Tiger nuts all over the world this nut has been affectionately called various names. In some part of the world like Spain, its called Chufa. In Nigeria, its milk is called kunnu aya. Aside the creamy welcoming look it gives me personally when blended into its milky state, it’s refreshing when taken chilled. Have you tried it before?
Am sure you might be wondering what am going on and on about. Well its Tiger nut, yeppiiii!! In Ghana, its popularly known as “Atadwe”. Atadwe in the Akan language literally will mean Grandpa’s nut (I stand corrected). Indeed, its grandpa’s nut. (smiles on my face)
Those who know me in real life will attest to my unexplainable love for Tiger nut. This write up is not going to be concentrated on my love, but share some interesting health benefits of the nut and how it’s very loved.
Most Ghanaian men for reasons best known to them go “gaga” just at the sound of Atadwe. It was this feeling that led to the composition of the song Atadwe by Papa Shee (I guess or so). But if you are a fan of the nuts do you know what nutrients it supplies your body when taken in?

For the health benefits tiger nuts comes with I am not trying to speak here as a doctor, nor a scientific research expert but sharing the knowledge I have acquired. Chewing the nuts with the milky juices oozing into my mouth really calms my nerves and excites me (anije). This calmness even allows me to think deep (you think am exaggerating right). My love grew deeper when I discovered its actually good for fighting bacteria. Tiger nuts helps boost the human immune system simple!
Another health benefit of the tiger nut is its ability to improve a healthy heart. The high amounts of monounsaturated fats they contain lowers the level of bad cholesterol. If you want to reduce the rate of heart attacks, consider making the chewing of tiger nuts a lifestyle. Evidence shows that monounsaturated fats have a number of health benefits including weight loss.
As I put this write up together am I chewing Atadwe just to stimulate my creative juices but am gradually getting mixed feelings. I am sure the quantity levels are increasing unnecessarily (not what you are thinking), but I heard it’s an aphrodisiac. Some researchers have it that, the nuts help check blood sugar levels. This is due to the high fiber content of the tubers which may slow down the absorption of sugar in the gut. Tiger nuts are also rich in the amino acid arginine, which may increase insulin production and sensitivity, both of which are important for blood sugar control.
For me tiger nuts allowed for free bowels. I mean shorter experience at the other part of the house (you know what I mean). Trying to find a cure to constipation? Well you know what to consider now.
You can be sure with the above nutritional values that chewing the nuts will definitely be a lifestyle worth adopting. Just remember moderation, should be the watch word although a healthy life style is assured with Atadwe as part of your diet. My secret add on is water, yes, water. I soak the tiger nut in clean water for at least an hour after which I then proceed to reduce its quantity. Soft and refreshing is the feeling after.